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William Drenttel | Essays

Polling Place Photo Project

Polling Place Photo Project, a film by Andrew Sloat, 2008
To commemorate the inauguration of President Barack Obama, we are pleased to share this short film by Andrew Sloat inspired by Polling Place Photo Project.

The Polling Place Photo Project was a nationwide experiment in citizen journalism that encouraged voters to post and share photographs of primaries, caucuses and general elections — to capture the richness and complexity of voting in America. Initiated by Winterhouse in partnership with AIGA, the project first sought to engage voters during the highly politicized 2006 midterm elections. In 2008, the project was supported by The New York Times and promoted as a part of their online election coverage. The archive now includes almost 6,000 photographs, representing all 50 states as well as Americans voting abroad.  

Other films by Andrew Sloat include: A More Perfect Union and 22nd Amendment. On this most important of days, we heartily recommend these films to our readers. [Editors Note: There is a new film not to miss: Article Two, Section One, Clause Eight.]

Jobs | January 18