Observed | New Ideas

A Campaign to Save The Post Office

Image via the New York Times

Tucker Nichols is campaigning to save the Post Office:
So what is it about the mail that we want to keep? What is it good for? And what are we losing if it goes away completely someday? Of course there are the rural communities that depend on the postal service, and the birthday card from your grandmother with that check for $10. But I think there’s more than lifelines to small towns and the occasional post card from paradise at stake here. The U.S. postal system is astonishingly efficient — it's the original social network. It would be nearly impossible to put it in place from scratch today. It must be of great use to us somehow to have a real world network that runs alongside its virtual counterparts. I propose that it’s up to the people who use it to find new ways to make it relevant.
Read more about Nichols' ideas and projects.

Posted in: Arts + Culture, Infrastructure, Social Good

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