James Montgomery Flagg, lithograph, 1917. (Prints & Photographs Division, U.S. National Archives)What if Uncle Sam wanted you to design not posters, but services in the war zones of Afghanistan or Iraq? As a design anthropologist, I am always interested in how the processes and artifacts of design help define what it means to be a citizen. Over the past seven years, my focus has been on design and human governance. I've applied anthropologically informed design thinking to support U.S. elections and voting experiences (through
Design for Democracy), emergency and evacuation strategies, the IRS's design management of taxation, and, most recently, public health for the Chicago's Bureau of Health Services. But what if I decided to apply design thinking to the U.S. military? What roles could design thinking play in war? A recent
The New York Times article, "Army Enlists Anthropologists in War Zone," makes these questions especially relevant.
War is one of the constants of human activity as far back as the pre-historical record. Designed artifacts have certainly played a significant role in war from propaganda posters to the design of weapons. But what about design thinking as it applies to designing social solutions? What if the U.S. Army asked designers to join teams to do "
service design" projects in Afghanistan?
The context for my questions is the current debate within the professional anthropology community about the embedding of anthropologists with soldiers in Afghanistan. The Pentagon has started a relatively new program called
Human Terrain Teams, in which social scientists are paired with combat soldiers to help translate the cultural environment to inform non-combat decision-making. The participation of anthropologists in this program has generated controversy because anthropology has always branded itself as a "neutral observer" — or if partisan, as an advocate for the powerless. Historically, anthropology's role in the "Colonial Imperial" project makes the discipline wary of aligning itself with powerful military institutions. Pragmatically, the field's code of ethics requires that research participants give informed consent to projects and that knowledge be non-proprietary. Only 25 years ago you could get barred from the American Anthropological Association for working in a for-profit corporation, indicating the seriousness with which anthropologists have protected their "neutral observer" brand.
As a field less complicatedly aligned with powerful institutions, design's history and pragmatics differ from that of anthropology. The emerging emphasis on design thinking for business, government and social institutions makes this anthropological debate relevant to design — at least hypothetically. Following the recent
The New York Times article, I posted my thoughts about the controversy and solicited other anthrodesigners' response on the
Anthrodesign Yahoo Group listserve. Some anthropologists and social scientists eagerly entered the fray with the pros and cons of participation in this military project. They asked if future anthropologists would be put in danger or if the field would compromise its credibility. With some coaxing, a few designers contributed to the discussion. They mentioned design's role in creating wartime propaganda and weapons. Designers framed the issue of one of personal ethical choice, which contrasted with the anthropologists' interest in larger issues of professional ethics and standards.
Are we, as designers, so individualistic? I say "we" to emphasize that I consider this an insider perspective, not just that of an outside anthropologist. Are there collective ideas for which the profession stands? AIGA did adopt the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2006. As design seeks to expand its progressive impact on business, government and society, I wonder if we, designers as thinkers, can continue to afford to see ourselves in such individualistic ways. At the recent
AIGA Conference in Denver, Richard Grefé presented how designing now includes
form + content + context + time. As the affect of one's designing scales beyond form and content to context and time, the ethical issues scale as well.
I genuinely wonder how the design community would respond if called upon by the U.S. Army to create service designs in Afghanistan. At the University of Illinois at Chicago, I educate "anthro-design" students in research methods and critical theory. For the past two years, over half of the students have selected topics related to ethics and designing. Both undergraduate and graduate students want to understand the role of design in, for example, promoting cultures of fear, commercialism, ecological and social sustainability, and altruistic projects in Africa. They express dissatisfaction when they interview designers who talk about ethics as personal choice. They want designing itself to be ethical. So how prepared is the design field to engage with their ethical expectations? I provide them with the perspective of ethical codes from anthropology. But, what are the ethical codes for design thinking?
So I open up the question, "How should the design community respond if the U.S. Army asked us to join teams to do "service design" projects in Afghanistan?" What if Uncle Sam wants our design thinking?
Comments [26]
This is something I struggled with for a long time.
I see no difference between "personal choice" and ethics. Presumably one is driven by the other, no? It should go without saying that if you are ethically-opposed to an enterprise/product/service, you should do your damnedest to not involve yourself in it (if not actively oppose it).
The questions imply that the design community as a whole should come to an agreed-upon answer, a particular ethical stance. But, as Derek suggests, isn't it up to individual designers to decide on their own terms? Does our profession dictate our ethics, tell us what kind of work we can/cannot do, or determine which clients we can/cannot work for? Should it? We might have to answer those questions before we can answer how the design community should respond to this hypothetical Army in Afghanistan work.
So now let's reverse it. Let's say that the design community agreed that it is NOT OK to join teams to do "service design" projects for the U.S. Army in Afghanistan. Would there still be that same right to dissent?
Also, couldn't your question also apply to other professions? Plumbers, pastry chefs, accountants... Don't they have the right to make moral, ethical and political statements? Or is it just designers who are that special?
"Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes" - Applies to everyone.
This was the crucial point in my research, the problem was that the designer wasn't seeing ethics as ethics, which is quite a problem. So, under this precedence, if I work for the military, and the military is happy with my work, than I have, ethically, done a "good" job. So before I can get into a discussion about ethics and design, I need to understand what ethics is, and what it means to consider ethics in design.
Would it help if I were some sort of Rambo-minded designer? Maybe. But I prefer a measured detachment.
I think the real trick is to engage in a struggle within, to question (heavily) what we're making and entertain that "outsider" perspective on these materials. I hope I never lose that.
I also think an important distinction is between the intent of the design (to support the troops/to kill people/to establish order in a country/to appeal to nationalist sentiments) and the mechanism by which the design operates, that is to say, why the design works (through obfuscation/clarity/manipulation/elegance/collaboration/destruction). One needs only think of the aesthetics of fascism: those designs appealed to people, not because people were stupid, but because the aesthetics actually resonated with people. People's sentiments were exploited by powerful aesthetics and turned against them. This is how Theodor Adorno could tell us that 'poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric.'
Of course, the Human Terrain Teams are not such an example but I hope one can see where these distinctions might matter in other military situations.
A final elaboration: A lie can be 'well-designed' if it solves a desired problem, and a designer could get paid from this, but surely a -design community-, if one is in fact desirable, cannot be founded on such an ethic.
I would suggest that the big question to ask ourselves is not, "How should the design community respond if the U.S. Army asked us to join teams to do "service design" projects in Afghanistan?" but, "What are the potential results of us not taking part in these projects if we are asked?"
When I think about how I interact in my own work with corporate sponsors primarily focused on profit and the needs of their constituent customers or "users", I am forced to recognize both positions. I understand that the only way solutions I help to recommend will be successful for anyone is if they: 1. really meet the needs of some group of people, 2. that they can be delivered with my client's capabilities, and 3. that this complementary exchange can be done sustainably from a resource perspective. This requires me (and us) to be practical and purpose driven. It's all about making the best of constraintsit is the nature of design! This is where the Anthrodesign group has made me frustrated. There are just too many people with a purist, strictly academic perspective.
Those who use anthropological methods to do user research as part of a design process are not anthropologists regardless of what their degree isthey are design researchers. While ethics come into play with both roles, the whole notion of "neutral observer" is the crux of where the ethics differ. Design researchers should be anything but neutral. We must have a point of view on how to change the world and it should be fundamentally rooted in the needs of those being studied. To do this, we have to be practical and recognize compromise and constraint.
While an individual's morality may not allow them to work with the military, this is outside of the ethics of the design research profession. Being passionately empathetic for people, their problems, and advocating their needs is really the one central ethical tenet of the design researcher. From this point of view, it is more ethical to do the work and be the advocate then have an entirely uninformed outcome.
imho, there are those for whom the decision would purely be based on the profit motive, ethics be damned, regardless of whether they personally supported the activities in question politically or otherwise. that I believe would be more damaging to the industry/profession as a whole than any lack or availability of ethical guidelines. the rationalization that monetary incentive or 'need' subsumes any requirement to consider the ethics of the decision. this sends the message that regardless of what the design profession may claim, they can be bought.
Does the issue of ethics become important more because of not what it is you are called for but because of you being associated with a particular body/institution in rendering that service?
What if it was not Uncle Sam who wanted designers to do "service design" projects in Afghanistan but some other body? Would both call for a similar response from the designer or the design communty as a whole?
One does understand that whom so ever employs the designer will, as a stakeholder, have its own influence in the process . Then it amounts to which stakeholder one finds ethical and thus agreeable to align yourself with in rendering that service hoping for the best to happen for the society for whom this is meant for.
In this we have a more difficult positiion than many professions, because everyone knows if they can do plumbing or not, but everyone assumes they can design something, in much the same way they assume they're good drivers.
thanks for existing in this world, ms. tunstall. i am looking forward to finding out more about your good works.
one thing i will say, however, is that if someone in the design community does answer to the call, that they not come up with a branding package that says "Team America...Fuck Yeah!"
It's good to know somebody is pushing the envelope.
I personally don't think there will ever be a unified response/stance from the "design community." It's too diverse and individualistic. Certainly an organization within the community may commit to a stance, but designers will still face their own personal judgments about the rightness of their actions (which for the time being will likely hinge on their feelings about the war we are in).
I think one aspect that was not explored in the article but was raised by the first commenter is that designers have always designed for the military. You may not value the quality of design but certainly someone has designed the posters and web sites and uniforms and UI of software and guns, etc.
I'm not exactly sure what "services" are meant in the article, but I imagine the moral/ethical implications may be similar to other forms of design participation.
Anthropologists and designers should be equipped with the right amount of skill, situated information, and a strong critical thinking ability so they can evaluate all their actions and decisions. To establish a strong belief reference which lays together with the human condition and beyond politics and individual interest, is everything the design community should do. Specific wars, specific business contexts, specific expertise applications are to be dealt by each one individually.
This is just another way of putting the classical ethics problem of designing a weapon; are you serving the incomprehensible need of attacking or the understandable need of defending?
American Anthropological Association Executive Board decides that participation in the Human Terrain Systems project is in violation of its ethics. Link to the official AAA resolution.
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